Welcome to Integrated DNA Technologies-Johns Hopkins Medical Institute DNA Analysis Facility Portal
In order to get the complete DNA Analysis Facility price discounts, you MUST set up a new login and password from this link by clicking ‘Set up New Account’ below. When setting up new account it is imperative that you use a unique login name that is different from you current one. If you login using your existing IDT account, you will not be able to receive the DAF.
Attention: Shipping is free on all products ordered through this site, with the exception of "Expedite" products and plates. You may set your standard orders to partial ship for no extra charge.
NGS products must be ordered via quote. Please contact Roxann Ashworth (rashwor2@jhmi.edu) for assistance with the process.
Set up a new account
If you do not have an IDT web account, please click the button below to set up a new account.
After you set up an account you can make changes to it at any time by selecting the Update Account Information item from the left menu.
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